Mastering option
Available for all Imperium NG models

Adds professional mastering functions to the Imperium NG.
Note that you will not loose any functions by adding the Mastering option. All functions are available via TouchOSC.
- Cut Left – Cut Right: Available in TouchOSC, and as physical buttons that replaces Parallel output and Insert buttons
- Swap Left – Right: Available in TouchOSC, and as a physical button that replaces the Level Bypass button
- Left side both channels / Right side both channels Available in TouchOSC
- Diff in phase / Diff out of phase: Available in TouchOSC, and as a physical button that replaces the Polarity Left CH button.
- Link Level profiles to specific outputs. This dramatically expands the way you tune your speakers and levels on a completely individual level, without the fiddly trimpots and being limited to an overall gain setting per monitor pair.
- Trinnov Audio integration (requires Trinnov Option). This enables Trinnov users to connect to the ST-2 in Hybrid mode, which allows you to have parts of the Imperium operate as usual, while others operate with the Trinnov system. A very powerful way to get more out of both systems.
- Soft level transition makes level jumping a little more easy on the ear, which can be very useful when working long hours in the studio.
- The Mastering option is available pre-installed or as user installable kit
Suggested retail price excl. vat: € 335